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Version: 6.5.1


There are several use-cases when you need to open a web browser on a touch-enabled device (also known as a tablet). For these cases, you can use a custom web browser we built. Default URL can be opened and even the whitelisting/blacklisting of certain domains is supported.

All methods

MethodsDescriptionSupported since
open()Open page in integrated browser4.0.0
close()Open page in integrated browser4.4.0



This API is currently available on:

  • Android devices with Android 5+ (Philips, Benq, Sharp, generic Android device)

With some limitation you can use this API also on

  • Samsung Tizen (SSSP 4 and above); where the website is just in fullscreen without an address bar or theme options (headless mode)
  • LG webOS (webOS 3.0 and above); where the website is just in fullscreen without an address bar or theme options (headless mode)
  • Raspberry Pi and NEC Compute Module; where the website is just in fullscreen without an address bar or theme options (headless mode)


Simple opening some page ex. our main company page.''); // Open link in the browser

Method open() also supports properties for browser. You can set height, width or CORS domains. All properties are optional.

aclModeStringCan be only blacklist or whitelist.
readOnlyAddressBarBooleanAccessible address bar
coordinatesObjectSize of browser screen (only Linux)
idleTimeoutNumberTimeout in milliseconds for loading page
themeObjectSetting custom theme for Android
headlessModeBooleanHeadless mode hides the entire address bar (default)
canUserCloseBooleanWhether the user can manually close the browser. Default:
Headless: false
With UI: true
clearDataBooleanClear cache after the browser closes. Default:
Headless: false
With UI: true
methodStringCan only be native (which opens a new, fully sandboxed fullscreen window) or iframe (which opens a configurable-sized window). (only Linux)
:::'', {
aclDomains: ['', ''],
aclMode: 'blacklist', // or 'whitelist'
readOnlyAddressBar: true,
coordinates: { // Supported only on Linux and Android
x: 0,
y: 0,
height: 500,
width: 500,
// theme: { ... } // supported only on Android
headlessMode: false, // supported only on Android

Browser themes usage with Typescript

You can also use all these methods with signageOS TypeScript.


Browser themes are only available on Android devices.

type Color = string;

export type ITheme = {
base?: 'light' | 'dark'; // Default light
shape?: {
cornerSize?: number; // Default 2
colors?: {
primary?: Color;
background?: Color;
control?: Color;
widgets?: {
editAddress?: {
colors?: {
background?: Color;
text?: Color;
buttonClose?: {
colors?: {
background?: Color | '@primary';
text?: Color;
icon?: Color;
icon?: 'none' | 'exit_to_app' | 'close' | 'cancel';
text?: string;
progress?: {
color?: Color | '@primary';

interface IOpenLinkOptions {
aclDomains?: string[];
aclMode?: 'blacklist' | 'whitelist';
readOnlyAddressBar?: boolean;
coordinates?: {
x: number;
y: number;
width: number;
height: number;
theme?: ITheme;
headlessMode?: boolean;
clearData?: boolean;
canUserClose?: boolean;
method?: 'native' | 'iframe'

open(uri: string, options?: IOpenLinkOptions): void;


Closing the Browser instance. The whole page is closed. If you call open() again, the page will be loaded from the beginning.


Simple opening some page ex. our main company page.

sos.browser.close(); // Close the browser


Although we are doing our best, following errors may occur when opening a link.

40301AppletBrowserUriErrorProperty argument uri must be a string
50301InternalBrowserOpenLinkErrorUnexpected error occurred when opening $$LINK$$